The role of the Turkish government in supporting the marble industry to achieve sustainability and protect the environment:

ميناء أزمير لتصدير الرخام التركي

The marble industry in Turkey is crucial, supported by the government for sustainability and environmental preservation.

. Here’s an overview of the role played by the Turkish government:

Regulation of extraction 1. : 
  • The government regulates marble extraction to protect biodiversity and reduce environmental impact, overseeing associations and unions like the Aegean Exporters’ Association and various chambers of commerce

رخام جزيرة مرمرة

Support for eco-friendly technologies 2. :
  • The government promotes eco-friendly production techniques and offers incentives for companies using low-impact technologies.

Promoting sustainability in exports 3. :
Research and development 4. :
  • The government supports research and innovation in the marble industry to improve processes and develop new technologies that balance production with environmental protection.
Environmental awareness 5. :
  • The government organizes awareness campaigns about the importance of sustainability and environmental protection, motivating companies and consumers to make sustainable decisions in resource use and consumption.
Supervision and inspection 6. :
  • The government enhances oversight and imposes penalties to ensure companies meet environmental and sustainability standards.

Building partnerships 7. :
  • The government collaborates with the private sector and international institutions to exchange knowledge and experiences in promoting the marble industry sustainably.


"موارد ثمينة".. تركيا ومكانتها العالمية في صناعة الرخام

In conclusion:
  • The Turkish government’s support for the marble industry underscores its commitment to sustainability and its cultural and economic significance.

  • Its support represents a sustainable path towards the future.  
  • Achieving sustainability in marble extraction and manufacturing operations reflects a commitment to environmental protection and preserving natural beauty.
  • By regulating the sector and promoting sustainable practices, the government ensures beauty and sustainability coexist in Turkish marble.

  • Through partnerships and environmental efforts, the government aims to balance tradition with modern technology in marble, preserving the earth’s heritage.

  • Kurabi Marble Company is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Turkish marble, achieving sustainability.

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